Chasing the Twilight

Mono Cuber 單立方子
2 min readJan 21, 2021

Running these days were particularly treasured. Afterall, any day could be the last day of running in low 20s with little air pollution. The climate change has been playfully enough this year to grant us living in the generally tropical zone with more than two weeks of cooler and runner-friendly environment. I still get thoroughly wet after the run each time, but won’t be as externally hydrated as if I have just gone swimming with a running suit. The moderate breeze was significant enough to keep myself from over heating and the rising run is no longer as abhor-able as in other times. Running in such environment is no longer an ordeal-like drill but something somewhat enjoyable. With the favourable externalities, my pace, speed and practically all measures of performance improve.

I am sure I will miss these days.

Heading forward will be at least eleven months of “normal” times. Air will be usually heavy and if it isn’t a good day, stuff with suffocating smell. The air monitoring apps will keep issuing warnings that no vigorous exercise should be conducted outdoor for about two months consecutively. During the worst times, I would be forced to run on treadmills — yet this year will be exceptional because all exercise rooms are closed in the light of the pandemic. It will be quite certain that I will have little choice but need to revert to exploring a variety of home-bound exercises requiring the least amount of equipment.

Before such days actually come, outdoor running will continue to be preferred, no matter how dark it appears to be when I wake up, how unfriendly the street dogs are, and how weird faced early morning hawkers would give runners like myself for exercising rather than earning a few precious bucks for living.

